Green apps have become wonderful everyday tools. They help ordinary people to keep track of and improve their eco-friendly lifestyles. Regardless of if it means changing habits, making the minimum effort, contributing to a large database, or taking advantage of the surrounding resources, green apps can minimize your impact and maximize your positive contribution.
Doing the right thing doesn’t have to be hard, but knowing what the right thing is, might be. Eco-friendly apps can help you change that aspect, whilst they are also making it easy for you to do as much as possible for the planet. Eco apps are often free, easy, and made to be engaging, so there is no reason to wait. Have a look at our top-10 environmental apps to start your journey, or simply make it easier and more fun!
10 Green Apps to help the environment
As avid believers in sustainability worldwide, we know where to look and how to do life with green apps for a brighter future. This is, however, not the normal case. With the large number of tourists coming to Iceland, they have had to put in environmental laws, restrictions, and rules to mitigate the impact tourists have on the environment. Together with these sustainability apps, we are certain you can rest easy, as you will be a model visitor to the island!
1. Ailuna
An eco-friendly lifestyle is all about building sustainable habits. We need to ensure we continuously make the better choice in terms of sustainability. Eco-friendly apps are great tools for doing this, and Ailuna is one of those apps. It will not only give you tips and tricks on how to live your life as sustainably as possible, but it will also help you track your progress and support your friends who do the same.
We think this is the number one app since it isn’t geographically constrained. It will help you learn how to be more green, regardless of where you are in the world. You can also interact with like-minded people all over the world to see what they’re doing and how they’re doing it.
2. Ecosia
If you are all about the minimum effort and maximum payoff, Ecosia
is the search engine for you. Whenever you use Ecosia, you will help them plant trees all over the world, wherever they are the most needed. They get the revenue from ads, and all you have to do as a user is to use it instead of Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, or whichever search engine you are using.
This app is also suitable to use regardless of where you are in the world and costs nothing to use.
3. Litterati
Littering and garbage might be one of the most immediately visible harms we do to nature. Regardless of where you are, chances are that you will come across some sort of littering at some point.
To raise awareness and drive decision-makers, Litterati started this initiative to visualize the impact and magnitude of littering all over the world. This is one of the green apps that will require you to do some good work, as you will be categorizing and geotagging the litter you come across. This gets fed into a huge database where people can see which type of litter is present in which areas.
Litterati is one of the eco-friendly apps that aims to engage you to pick up litter and has had a real impact on the world. This database has been used multiple times to drive change in regions all over the world.
4. Supernova
If you are an altruistic being who loves social media, Supernova might be one of the sustainability apps for you. This app works just like normal social media apps, but you will earn money for your charity cause of choice for each like and interaction that other users have with your content. This also gives you an incentive to interact with other people’s content with a clean conscience.
It's a free app that works all over the world, and you can keep track of your chosen charities to see how big of a positive impact you’ve had. Meaningless browsing never felt so meaningful!
5. Falling Fruit
When it comes to green apps, Falling Fruit is one of the ones that are not looking for the green stuff. This app helps you be eco-friendly by giving you free, fresh fruit that otherwise would simply fall to the ground and rot. With an interactive map, you can see where you can forage some ripe fruit and veg close to you!It’s a free and open-source project, which means that anyone is allowed to add information to it and doesn’t cost the users a penny.
6. BlaBlaCar
Transportation has always been a big impact on a global as well as on a personal scale. To get rid of empty seats and expensive rides, BlaBlaCar was formed. Ever since its creation at the beginning of the 2000s, BlaBlaCar has spread to over 100 million members in 22 countries and has had 30 billion kilometers shared by its members.
This app will help you lower your environmental impact while also helping you keep to your budget on your travels.
7. JouleBug
Back on the habit-driven part of the green apps, JouleBug is made to combine games, social media, and education. Through these games, it gets its users to become
more eco-friendly. Users are driven by achievements, challenges, and social accountability. You can compete against your friends and continuously track your progress.
You can even check where you have had the largest reduction in environmental impact!
8. Good On You
If fashion is your passion, then you don’t want to be one of those people who shop unethically. Clothing is a pricey affair, and the money shouldn’t line the pockets of those who are doing environmental and social harm to the planet. Good On You is one of the green apps that takes social and environmental responsibility into account in their ratings. This will make it easier for consumers to know which brands are doing good and which are not. This app might also get you into contact with clothing companies that you didn’t even know existed!
9. Oroeco
This is one of the sustainability apps that are connected to your habits and your money rather than just behavior. Eco-friendly app that show us the impact we have on a global scale are important and let us “vote with the wallet” whenever we buy something or invest our cash. Oroeco gathers everything from grocery shopping to which eco-hotel to stay at in Iceland to large investment decisions, all in one app.
10. iRecycle
Most of us want to do the right thing, regardless of where we are. Recycling is one of those things that often gets overlooked if there is an easier option close by (e.g., a public bin). If we’re in our own neighborhood, we often know where to go to be able to recycle, but as soon as we move out of that zone, it gets harder to find a recycling spot. Luckily, iRecycle mapped out where to go to throw the trash in the right bin, making it easier to minimize environmental impact.
The Importance of an Eco-friendly Lifestyle
Now you have quite a list of options to use, not only while in Iceland, but in your daily life too. Just under minutes, you can download them and help the planet. And to see the real value behind this technology, we need to first establish what we are really looking for in these green apps. We are looking to make the world a better place by making sure we contribute to sustainable development. This rests on the foundation of economic, environmental, and social sustainability.
We are (hopefully) constantly striving for economic sustainability. We do so by making sure we can pay for the goods and services we need without going bankrupt. In turn, the shops and agencies that are providing the goods and services make sure they get paid enough to stay in business. In Iceland, that means keeping a budget to make sure you can pay for everything you want to do on your holiday.
Social sustainability is (in its essence) making sure society keeps running and everyone can live a decent life. We do that by being mindful of other people, their feelings, as well as the functions in society.
Environmental sustainability is often the most discussed aspect, since we tend to inherently care for economic and social sustainability. We simply need help to be more mindful of the environment in general. Green apps come in very handy here. They are designed to make us aware of our choices and the impact we have on our surroundings, with as little input or energy as possible.
Level Up – One Mile at a Time
When it comes to sustainability and an eco-friendly lifestyle, Iceland has a surprisingly well-built infrastructure of electric charging stations. This can greatly reduce the environmental impact on your travels, so if you'd like to get around Iceland with a smaller eco-footprint, consider renting an hybrid vehicle!