Top 10 West Iceland Attractions

Explore the enchanting realm of attractions in West Iceland. From the untamed Snæfellsnes Peninsula to cascading waterfalls, these attractions will steal your heart

West Iceland Attractions

blog author By Johanna Sigurðardóttir shield verificationVerified Expert

Embarking on the journey to explore West Iceland attractions will take you through a realm where nature's raw beauty unfolds in its fullest glory. From the thunderous waterfalls to tranquil glacier lagoons, each corner of the west tells a tale of timeless wonder.

As you plan this adventure, trust Reykjavik Cars to be your reliable partner on the road. With years of experience, we ensure that your journey across the alluring west of Iceland becomes a cherished memory etched in the sands of time. 

Here are some of our favorite spots we recommend to anyone visiting West Iceland.

1. Explore the Majestic Gullfoss Waterfall

Gullfoss Waterfall, one of the most stunning West Iceland attractions, is a testament to the country's geographical grandeur. Historically, the waterfall holds a crucial place in Iceland's environmental conservation narrative as it was saved from industrialization by a local woman, Sigríður Tómasdóttir, in the early 20th century. 

The waterfall's defining feature is its unique two-tiered cascading structure, where the water plummets down 32 meters (105 feet) across two stages into a rugged canyon. The best viewpoints are from the top, where you can grasp the waterfall's sheer size and power, and from the base, where you can sense its majestic roar. 

Visiting during summer allows you to witness a rainbow over the waterfall on sunny days. While exploring this natural marvel, don't miss the nearby Geysir geothermal area, another iconic Icelandic destination. 

west iceland attractions

2. Immerse in the History of Thingvellir National Park

Delve into the heart of Western Iceland's history at the remarkable Thingvellir National Park. Not only is it a geological wonder where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates drift apart, but it's also a cultural cornerstone.

This is where the Althing, one of the world's oldest existing parliaments, was established in 930 AD. Adding to its allure is the stunning Silfra fissure, filled with crystal-clear glacial waters, which presents unique opportunities for joining snorkeling activities and diving tours. Hiking enthusiasts will enjoy the park's network of trails that meander through the fascinating geological formations.

In recognition of its profound historical and cultural significance, Thingvellir is celebrated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As you explore its beauty, you will stand in the pages of Iceland's storied history.

Thingvellir, Iceland

3. Walk on the Wild Side At The Þingvellir Lava Fields

Dive deep into the geological wonders of west Iceland by stepping onto the Þingvellir Lava Fields. Formed about 10,000 years ago by volcanic eruptions, these expansive fields tell tales of Earth's fiery temperament and the passage of time. 

As you tread upon this ancient ground, you'll be greeted by a unique array of flora and fauna adapted to thrive in this rugged landscape. The moss-covered rocks and hardy shrubs paint a picture of resilience and adaptability. There are also well-marked trails for you to explore these fields on foot.

However, while the beauty of the lava fields beckons, it's essential to exercise caution. Stick to designated paths, wear sturdy footwear, and always be aware of your surroundings.

west Iceland Lava fields

4. Head to the Snæfellsnes Peninsula

The Snæfellsnes Peninsula, often dubbed 'Iceland in Miniature,' encapsulates the essence of West Iceland attractions. The region showcases a remarkable blend of glaciers, lava fields, and beaches, offering a feast for the senses. 

The crowning jewel of the peninsula is the Snæfellsjökull glacier, a mesmerizing sight that inspired Jules Verne's 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth.' The peninsula's lava fields offer a glimpse into Earth's volatile past, while its beaches serve as an oasis of tranquility. 

The region is steeped in cultural significance, with local folklore painting a vivid tapestry of trolls, elves, and ancient heroes. 

Activities abound here; you can embark on invigorating hiking trails, engage in bird watching, or explore charming fishing villages, each with its own unique charm and history. 

Island western

5. Experience the Scenic Splendor of Kirkjufell

In the panorama of West Iceland's captivating landscapes, Kirkjufell, or 'Church Mountain,' holds an iconic place. Its unique arrowhead shape and surrounding landscapes have cemented its significance as one of Iceland's most photographed spots.

This symmetrical mountain, flanked by the picturesque Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall, offers a dreamy backdrop that leaves nature lovers and photographers awe-struck. Adventures abound here - hiking trails lead you through diverse landscapes, and the location is famed as a spectacular spot for Northern Lights spotting. Nearby, the town of Grundarfjörður provides more opportunities to immerse in local culture and offers additional outdoor pursuits.

Kirkjufell's beauty shifts with the seasons, each providing a unique perspective - lush in summer, vibrant in autumn, starkly beautiful in winter, and refreshing in spring. Regardless of when you visit, the scenic splendor of Kirkjufell in West Iceland promises a memorable experience.

Kirkjufell, Iceland

6. Chase Hraunfossar and Barnafoss Waterfall

In the realm of West Iceland attractions, Hraunfossar and Barnafoss stand out with their distinct charm and tales. Hraunfossar, often referred to as the 'Lava Falls,' is a series of cascades streaming over a distance, seeping through porous lava rock, creating a mesmerizing display of nature's artistry.

Not far from Hraunfossar, Barnafoss, or the 'Children's Falls,' carries a poignant legend. It's said that two children tragically fell into the falls, leading to its haunting name. In the vicinity, you can partake in a variety of activities, from hiking to capturing stunning photographs of the surrounding landscapes.

Both waterfalls offer dramatic viewpoints, each providing a unique perspective on these natural wonders. To experience their full grandeur, visit during autumn, when the changing foliage adds an extra layer of beauty to the scene.

Hraunfossar and Barnafoss Waterfall

7. Get Lost in the Wilderness at Langjökull Glacier

Immerse yourself in the icy wilderness of Western Iceland at Langjökull Glacier, the country's second-largest glacier. This magnificent ice cap unveils an arctic wonderland that offers exhilarating activities. Adventure seekers can experience the thrill of snowmobiling across the glacier's vast, snowy expanse. 

Those seeking a more tranquil but equally mesmerizing experience can explore the mystical blue ice caves or embark on guided glacier hikes. Beyond recreation, Langjökull holds immense importance as a primary source of fresh water for Reykjavík. However, it stands at the forefront of environmental concerns due to climate change.

Conservation efforts are underway to safeguard this vital natural asset, emphasizing the urgency of sustainable tourism. As you explore Langjökull, you are reminded not only of nature's grandeur but also of its vulnerability and our role in its preservation.

West Iceland Langjokull

8. Discover the Charm of Húsafell and Its Surroundings

In the serene west of Iceland, Húsafell emerges as a delightful blend of history and natural beauty. Originally, a pastoral farmstead, Húsafell has evolved yet retains its deep cultural roots, echoing tales of bygone eras and local legends.

Surrounding this charming enclave are attractions that captivate the soul: the cascading Hraunfossar, the vast Langjökull glacier, and the therapeutic hot springs that dot the landscape. For those with a thirst for adventure, Húsafell offers a plethora of activities.

Embark on scenic hikes through its diverse terrains, delve into the depths of Víðgelmir Cave to witness nature's subterranean wonders, or set up camp under the expansive Icelandic sky, basking in the tranquility. As you journey through the west of Iceland, let Húsafell be your gateway to an authentic experience where nature and culture harmoniously intertwine.

Husafell area

9. Relax in the Hot Springs of Deildartunguhver

Among the plethora of West Iceland attractions, Deildartunguhver holds a special place with its geothermal marvels. This site boasts the most powerful hot spring in Europe, showcasing the raw energy beneath Iceland's surface. 

The scalding water that emanates from Deildartunguhver fuels a major portion of the region's heating, embodying sustainability in practice. The hot springs, often ranked among the best hot springs in Iceland, offer the perfect retreat, with bathing, hiking, and sightseeing as popular activities. 

The vicinity is brimming with additional attractions, from picturesque trails to fascinating historical sites. As for when to visit, each season offers a unique allure. Spring and summer provide pleasant weather for outdoor pursuits, while the autumn and winter months offer a serene, frosty charm, with the potential of viewing the northern lights.

Hot Springs of Deildartunguhver

10. Unveil the Untouched Beauty of Westfjords

Venture into the remote and rugged landscapes of Westfjords, a hidden gem in West Iceland. Here, you'll discover Hornstrandir Nature Reserve, a paradise for hikers and wildlife enthusiasts. Known for its flourishing population of Arctic Foxes, it also offers an eclectic array of bird species.

Not far away, the thunderous Dynjandi waterfall leaves onlookers enraptured with its raw power and beauty. Equally, enchanting is Raudasandur beach, boasting terracotta-hued sands that contrast beautifully against the sapphire blue sea. Activities at Westfjords extend beyond nature exploration - you can kayak in the fjords, traverse the steep, winding roads, or explore the authentic Icelandic fishing villages such as Isafjordur, Brjánslækur, and Bolungarvík.

Each adventure through Westfjords deepens your appreciation for the untouched beauty of West Iceland, offering an immersive experience that seamlessly blends nature, culture, and discovery.

Westfjords of Iceland

Best Way To Get Around West Iceland

Exploring the many West Iceland attractions is a thrilling adventure. The best way to soak in the beauty depends largely on your preferences. Renting a car in Iceland offers the flexibility to tailor your itinerary, allowing stops at hidden gems and a leisurely pace.

The significant advantages are the freedom and convenience it provides, especially in remote areas where public transportation may be infrequent. Public transportation is another option, with buses connecting major centers. However, they may not reach more secluded attractions.

Guided tours eliminate the stress of planning, offering expert insight into local culture and geography. For adventurous spirits, self-driving provides the opportunity to discover off-the-beaten-path attractions. Regardless of your chosen mode of transport, safety is paramount. It's essential to stay updated about driving conditions, especially in winter, and adhere to local traffic rules.

Iceland car rental

A Brief Guide to West Iceland's Climate

West Iceland boasts a diverse climate, with each season offering unique experiences. Here's a breakdown of the Icelandic weather and what to expect.

  • Spring (March-May): Spring in West Iceland sees temperatures hover between 0°C to 7°C. It's a period of transition, with melting snow and lengthening days, averaging around 13-20 hours of daylight. Keep layers handy for temperature shifts. 
  • Summer (June-August): Summers are mild, with temperatures around 10°C to 15°C and nearly 24 hours of daylight. It's an ideal time for outdoor activities. Light, waterproof jackets and sunglasses are recommended.
  • Autumn (September-November): Autumn brings cooler temperatures, between 2°C to 7°C, and shorter days. There's increased precipitation, so pack rain gear and warm clothing. 
  • Winter (December-February): Winter is cold, with temperatures often below 0°C and daylight lasting only 4-5 hours. Expect snow and icy conditions. Warm layers, waterproof boots, and thermal clothing are a must.

western iceland

Essential Tips for Traveling in West Iceland

To make the most of your tour of West Iceland attractions and ensure an enriching experience, consider the following tips:

  • Safety precautions: Stay updated on weather forecasts, as conditions can change rapidly. Adhere to driving laws and consider road conditions, especially in remote areas or during winter. Equip yourself properly for hikes and always respect marked trails.
  • Cultural etiquette: Respect the Icelandic people. Icelanders value their solitude and privacy, so always ask for permission before photographing people or private property.
  • Currency and payments: The Icelandic króna (ISK) is the local currency. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted, even for small purchases. Tipping is not customary, as service charges are included in the prices.
  • Accommodations and dining: Choose accommodations that suit your budget and proximity to desired attractions. Try local cuisines in restaurants, but also consider budget-friendly options like self-catering.

west of iceland

Unraveling the Magic of West Iceland Attractions

Having journeyed through the vast tapestry of West Iceland attractions, one might wonder: What more hidden wonders does this land hold in its embrace? Each winding road and scenic detour beckons with tales untold and vistas unseen.

The allure of West Iceland is not just in its famed attractions, but in the secrets it keeps. Ready to uncover them? Dive into the heart of these attractions; rent a car in Iceland, and let every turn in the road be an invitation to a new discovery. After all, isn't the true magic of Iceland found in its unexpected moments?

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