Stepping into Tranquility: Taking a Dip in Landbrotalaug Hot Springs in Iceland

Landbrotalaug Hot Springs

blog author By Johanna Sigurðardóttir shield verificationVerified Expert

One of the perks of being in the Land of Fire and Ice is that one can find all sorts of hot springs across the island. This is due to all the volcanic activity on the island heating the underground water supply. Some of these hot springs can still be found “out in the wild” in their original and natural form, while others that are too hot for human use or not easily accessible are used in man-made geothermal pools. One of these, still in its rugged form, is Landbrotalaug Hot Springs.

So, if you’d like to take advantage of our volcanic perks during your next trip to the island, read on because there are many reasons why Landbrotalaug Hot Springs is too special to leave off of your trip itinerary.

What Makes the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs So Special?

Landbrotalaug is such a cute, quaint hot spring that calling it Landbrotalaug hot pot is more descriptive. This little hot spring looks more like a little pond, and you can only fit 2 to 3 people. Although it’s not very big, it is very deep, and the water (which ranges between 36 and 40 degrees Celsius) will reach roughly to your neck (depending on how tall you are, of course) when standing up.

But do not confuse the natural Landbrotalaug hot pot with our little man-made Landbrotalaug Hot Spring. Just a hop, skip, and jump away, you’ll find a larger pool perfect for larger groups of people utilizing the hot spring water. But whichever of the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs you decide to use, sitting in the hot springs overlooking the vast and untouched Icelandic landscape with its towering mountains is the ultimate exercise in tranquility.

landbrotalaug hot springs

Remember that this type of remote tranquility comes at a price, and you won’t find any of the amenities or features you would like at one of the commercial hot springs, such as the Blue Lagoon. There are no bathrooms or changing rooms here, so you’ll need to sort yourself out beforehand and be prepared for changing in the parking lot or at the hot spring itself.

The Geology of Landbrotalaug Hot Springs

The culprit guilty of keeping the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs warm is the Eldborg Crater. And while the volcano is still considered to be active today, it hasn’t erupted in thousands of years. Drawing from its source and its surroundings, Landbrotalaug is considered to have many healing properties.

Researchers have studied the hot spring water in Iceland after listening to all the old wives’ tales of healing, and found that it indeed has reparative qualities. This is because the water is rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and silica, and the warmth of the water can soothe aches and pains.

Where is the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs?

Landbrotalaug Hot Springs can be found in west Iceland in one of the regions here on the island known for its incredible beauty: Snæfellsnes Peninsula. While Landbrotalaug lies just 115 kilometers from the capital city of Reykjavik, making it possible as a day outing, most add it as a stop along their road trip since it’s so close to the Ring Road route.

landbrotalaug hot pot

How to Get to the Landbrotalaug in Iceland

You can visit Landbrotalaug Hot Springs in one of two ways:

Private Tour

Landbrotalaug Hot Springs lies in a remote location and is such a hidden gem that you won’t find it on many tour operators’ lists of existing tour destinations. That’s why most who want a guided tour of Landbrotalaug and its surroundings will make arrangements with one of the tour companies or a local guide for a customized private tour.


This is probably the most convenient way to visit Landbrotalaug. Whether tackling Landbrotalaug Hot Springs as a day trip or as part of a road trip, it’s very easy to navigate from Reykjavík’s direction. Head north on the Ring Road and turn onto Road 54 towards the Snæfellsnes Peninsula once you reach the town of Borgarnes. Continue passed Eldborg Crater before taking the dirt road straight to the parking lot.

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The Best Time to Visit the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs

Our hot springs can be visited all year round, so it all boils down to personal preference. Some visitors prefer visiting during the warmer months of the year, while others don’t mind visiting during the colder seasons (we locals also enjoy the contrast between the hot water and the cold air).

Since Landbrotalaug Hot Springs is off the beaten track, it doesn’t attract as many tourists. Still, if you would like to increase your chances of having the hot pot all to yourself, we suggest not visiting during Iceland’s summer peak season (June to August) and either coming for a dip early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

What to Pack for a Visit to Landbrotalaug Hot Springs

When visiting Landbrotalaug Hot Springs, you’ll need the following:

  • Swimwear
  • Quick-drying towel (so you don’t need to lug around a big wet towel all day)
  • Flip-flops
  • Warm clothing for afterward
  • A plastic bag to place all your wet stuff into after your swim
  • A beanie or earmuffs (if you’re planning on taking a dip during our colder months)
  • Sunglasses (irrespective of season)
  • Sunscreen

Iceland's Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Hot Spring Etiquette: the Dos and Don’ts of Visiting Landbrotalaug Hot Springs

If this is your first time visiting a hot spring in Iceland, you’ll need to adhere to the following dos and don’ts:

  • Do wear a swimsuit. This is considered to be a pool, not a bath. So, any public nakedness might end up in an indecent exposure charge.
  • Do take a shower beforehand. Once again, this is not a bath; others don’t want to swim around in your filth and leftover hair gel and makeup. We know that there is no shower at the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs, but there’s no reason why you can ensure that you’re clean before heading out.
  • Don’t bring any glass items, whether actual glasses or bottles. You never know what can happen, and if glass items fall and break at Landbrotalaug Hot Springs, it’ll be nearly impossible to find and pick up all the shattered glass pieces. When people walk around in flip-flops and their bare feet, this can end up in disaster.
  • Do respect others. You might get lucky and get the entire hot spring to yourself, but that doesn’t mean you’ve claimed it. The natural hot springs in Iceland are for public use, and anyone who wishes to take a dip can do so.

Landbrotalaug Soak

Preserving Natural Wonders: Conservation Efforts for Landbrotalaug's Future

Here in Iceland, we deeply respect our environment and try to preserve our landmarks and natural wonders to the best of our ability. Therefore, there are a few things we expect from visitors (and not complying can result in hefty fines or worse):

  • Do not litter, and try to leave any area in an even better state than you found it. 
  • Stay on the pathways. Our ecology can be very sensitive in places, and you don’t want to be responsible for trampling on our rare moss that will take decades to recover or trample an animal’s burrow just because you wanted to go exploring.
  • Ensuring you’ve cleaned off any makeup, oil, perfumes, etc., before taking a dip in our hot springs is not just because of the “Ew!” factor. These oils and chemicals seeping into the soil (remember, our hot springs are groundwater reaching the surface) can have detrimental consequences to the surroundings.

Landbrotalaug's Magic

A Few Helpful Tips When Visiting Landbrotalaug Hot Springs

If this is your first time visiting Landbrotalaug or any hot springs in Iceland, the following will help make your visit as safe and enjoyable as possible:

  • Dress in layers. By wearing layers, you’ll always be prepared for whatever the weather brings your way, and you can take something off or put something on depending on the situation. Wearing layers where there are no changing rooms or bathrooms can also help.
  • Wear waterproof shoes on your way to the hot spring. The trails can get pretty wet and muddy, and you don’t want to feel uncomfortable for the rest of the day.
  • Check the Iceland weather forecast. Our local saying states that “you can experience all four seasons in a day here in Iceland”, so we always recommend keeping a close eye on the weather, especially right before heading out, and if you’re planning an outdoor activity such as taking a dip in Landbrotalaug Hot Springs.

 Surroundings of Landbrotalaug

Beyond the Pools: Other Things to See & Do Near Landbrotalaug

If you would like to add a few other interesting things in the area to your trip itinerary, consider the following:

  • Kirkjufell Mountain
  • The fishing village of Hellissandur
  • Lóndrangar Basalt Sea Stacks
  • Snæfellsjökull Glacier
  • The village of Arnarstapi
  • Vatnshellir Lava Cave
  • Rauðfeldsgjá Cliff
  • The town of Grundarfjörður
  • Djúpalónssandur Beach
  • Eldborg Crater
  • Gerduberg Cliffs
  • The town of Stykkisholmur
  • Malarrif Lighthouse

Landbrotalaug Hot Springs: the Perfect Ring Road Road Trip Stop

As you can see, taking a dip at Landbrotalaug Hot Springs is a unique experience not to be missed, and with so much else to do and see in the area, a Ring Road road trip is the best way to explore the region. Upon arrival, just rent a car in Reykjavik and start your Iceland adventure by heading north, where Landbrotalaug Hot Springs will be waiting.

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