Iceland Travel Tips

women traveling solo around Iceland with a map in her hands

Iceland Solo Travel

The notion of Iceland solo travel is daunting. However, in Iceland, it can be the experience of a lifetime.

visitor overlooking a majestic gorge landscape in Iceland

Why Visit Iceland? Top 10 Reasons to Go to Iceland

Incredible but still true, some travelers still need reasons to visit Iceland. These are ours.

Best iceland apps on a mobile phone

Best Travel Apps for Tourists in Iceland

Technology can improve our lives. With these apps for tourists in Iceland, your trip will be easier for sure!

Girl standing by a horse with crazy hair due to the windy weather in Iceland

How Windy is Iceland?

Oh, wind! so pleasant and sometimes so untamed. If you travel to Iceland, maybe you should be prepared for more than just a breeze.

Planet earth on green grass - Iceland nature protection measures

Iceland Nature Protection: The Measures

Iceland is committed to protecting its nature, here are the main measures, and you can help!

Diagram for the earth rotation around the sun - Polar nights in Iceland

Should we Expect Polar Nights in Iceland?

The polar night is a phenomenon where the nighttime lasts for more than 24 hours, does it happen in Iceland?

Time in Iceland - time zones map

What Time is It in Iceland?

In which time zone is Iceland? This is important as jet lag may affect your daily activities while on holiday.

Tourist holding an iceland discount card to save more money

Iceland Discount Cards

Who doesn't love a good discount? We will show you how to save some extra bucks in Iceland!

One krona coin and other icelandic currency

ISK Krona: The Icelandic Currency

We will teach you a thing or two about the Icelandic Króna, the official currency.

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